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Cargill Cotton

Building connections from grower to retailer

Tailor a plan to fit your needs

You have choice when it comes to how to market your cotton. It's the product of your hard work, so naturally you need a partner who will connect you with the solutions that are right for you.

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We offer a range of contracts that reflects your appetite for risk by leveraging Cargill global expertise. Or participate in the Cotton Solutions Cooperative.

Learn about Cotton Solutions
Explore contracts

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Be rewarded for implementing positive soil health practices on your cotton acres with Cargill RegenConnect™.

Learn about Cargill RegenConnect®
Explore Regeneratively-sourced cotton

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We have boots on the ground from Virginia in the northeast to Texas in the southwest & points in between. These folks are proud to partner with cotton growers.

Connect with the cotton team


Strengthen your soil, your crop, and your bottom line

Our Regeneratively-sourced Cotton Program is building a regenerative, traceable supply chain for growers and buyers. Your existing soil health practices can qualify you for a premium.

Learn how to get involved

Connect with the Cargill Cotton team:


Cole Capocaccia
[email protected]


Shea Leatherman
Memphis, TN
[email protected]



Ellen Batchelder
Palacios, TX
[email protected]


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