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Winter Camelina

Fueling the future with a promising commodity

Profitability and environmental impacts can go hand-in-hand 

Looking for new revenue opportunities and access to a growing market? See how winter camelina fits with Cargill SourcePoint Commodities™ into complementing your crop rotation. Winter camelina is a cash crop used for oilseed production with added environmental benefits similar to an over winter cover crop. As a low-carbon oilseed, winter camelina addresses the growing need for renewable fuels across North America, providing farmers access to this new, dynamic market opportunity. 

Learn more

What is winter camelina? 

Winter camelina is a mustard-type plant that is in the same family as canola and produces high concentrations of oil making it a great addition to Cargill SourcePoint Commodities. As an intermediate crop, it can be grown similar to a cover crop but harvested like a cash crop. Winter camelina is planted anytime from mid-September to mid-October and harvested late June/early July in the Upper Midwest, leaving time for another crop to be planted. This provides a multi-crop opportunity for farmers. Three cash crops in two years. 

Growing winter camelina in the Upper Midwest

Typical production dates (MN, ND, SD):

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Mid-September to mid-October

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Mid-June to early July

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Plant additional crop

Same year as camelina harvest

Camelina farmer meetings

We are hosting a few in-person field days for camelina growers this spring. If you plan to attend any of the below events, please register to reserve your spot.

  • April 8th - Algona, IA
  • April 9th - St Peter, MN
  • April 10th - Browns Valley, MN
  • April 15th - Ypsilanti, ND
  • April 16th - Hawley, ND
  • April 17th - Greensbush, MN
  • April 22nd - Bismarck, ND

Register now

Working with Growers

Winter camelina is a great way to diversify your crop rotation and gain access to new market opportunities. Since this is a relatively new crop, we're working closely with farmers to help the implementation and success of winter camelina.

camelina article preview image

Sowing sustainability: The rise of winter oilseeds

The market for sustainable biofuels is growing rapidly, opening up a world of grain marketing opportunities. Growing winter camelina and other winter oilseed crops are a great way to diversify your revenue and your crop rotation. 

See what you need to grow winter camelina


Camelina and pennycress: the next generation of biofuels?

Learn more about the role camelina can play in global decarbonization in this article featuring Cargill's Lyle DePauw, director of crop innovation. 

Read the article

A man walking through a field of flowering camelina

Looking for new resources to help you get started on your winter camelina growing journey?

Access resources